Saturday, April 14, 2012

Message from Felipe

Dear brothers and sisters!

Finally the package arrive, and now we are giving to all people the presents that you send. 
Thank you very much for the beautiful bible that you send me, it is an amazing gift! 

You´ve made so much for us, and even now you give us gifts! 
I hope to send you photos of the construction! The foundation are ready, and workers are now removing 
all the wood and material from the fill of construction.

Maybe Im a little selfish for say this but, In the name of everyone here, we give thank for everything!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Working on the Foundation

Looks like they are still working on the foundation.  As we all know, a proper foundation is crucial--not only for a building project where they have earthquakes, but for our spiritual lives as well.  Continue to pray for the Talca building project.  Pray for the financial backing necessary to complete the project.  Pray for the safety of the workers and most of all, pray that many would come to know Jesus through this new church building.