Saturday, December 31, 2011

Talca Trip Coming Together

I just had a Skype session with Felipe from Talca. Our trip preparations are coming together. The people of Talca are amazing. We look forward to traveling there and serving God alongside them. Housing, transportation, and translators are all set. Now we just need to wait on God and see what He has in store for us. Continue to pray for our trip--for safe travel and that God would speak to those on the team and change their lives!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Talca Trip 2012

The trip dates are finalized and we will be sending a work team from Feb 3-11, 2012. We already had our first preparation meeting and everyone is excited. Pray for the preparations, both logistically and that God would begin the process of changed hearts--both for the group and for the people we serve in Talca. Acts 1:8 Gracias.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Trip will be late Jan or early Feb

Just got off a Skype call with Tomas from the Talca church.  While the final permit process is still on hold and the project is still not started, he feels it will be soon.  We both agreed that going ahead and confirming a date for a work team trip to Talca can be done.  So, we are going to go out on faith and schedule the trip for either the last week in Jan (leaving Jan 27) or the following week (leaving Feb 3).  Duration of the trip will likely be one week to 10 days.  

Continue to pray for the project and that it would get started soon.  Pray for encouragement for Tomas and the Talca congregation.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Red Tape

I got an email update from Tomas this week and the Talca church is still waiting on approval of permits prior to starting the construction progress. While this is a setback they are relying on God's timing in this process. They hope to get started soon. Please continue to pray for the church and the building process. He did mention that the last week of January looks like a good week for a work team to come down and help out. Pray for finalizing of the trip and the planning process.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Construction Update

I just had a great conversation with Pastor Marin and Tomas using Skype.  Bob Hepokoski translated the call in Arkansas.  Isn't technology great.  I can connect with people in Arkansas and Chile and hold a conversation in real time.  Great use of technology for God's kingdom.

Tomas stated that the construction should begin within the next few weeks as the final building permits are being completed.  Please pray that the project would get started and that finances will be available throughout the construction.

Friday, July 1, 2011


In February 2010, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit the nation of Chile causing loss of life and damage to numerous buildings.  Many of the Christian and Missionary Alliance churches in Chile were damaged.  The church in Talca was damaged beyond repair requiring demolition and rebuilding.

A call out to United States Alliance churches was made by the missionaries in Chile to come alongside and partner with the Chilean churches in their rebuilding efforts.  The Centerville Community Church Missions Team evaluated the needs of the Talca church and an exploratory trip was made in November 2010.  After returning and through much prayer, CCC decided to partner with Talca in the rebuilding of their sanctuary.

In January 2011, a Talca Reconstruction Fund was established to partner with the Talca congregation in raising money for the rebuilding.  CCC has committed to raise two dollars for every one dollar that the Talca congregation raises in 2011.  Our initial goal is $12,000 and, as of August 2011, we have surpassed that goal.

After navigating the difficult Chilean bureaucracy, the Talca Church plans to begin the rebuilding process in August 2011.  CCC will send a work team to Talca in the early months of 2012 to help in the construction efforts and continue our partnership.

Rebuilding of the sanctuary will help the Talca church reach out to the people of their city and bring them to Christ.  As well as helping Talca in fundraising and construction, CCC will commit to partner in prayer and any other needs they may have.